Jacana Camp (Okavango Delta) Botswana


Jacana Camp with Wilderness Safaris - www.PhotoSafaris.travel



Jacana Camp is situated about 25kms west of Mombo, outside the Moremi Game reserve on the Jao flats - a reserve of 60,000 hectares. It is a true water camp and offers mokoro and walking safaris all year round. As the floodwaters recede game driving and night drives in open 4x4 land rovers are available from October to March.


  Jacana Camp with Wilderness Safaris - www.PhotoSafaris.travel


Jacana Camp has five small Meru-style tents accommodating a maximum of eight guests. Each tent is on a wooden deck overlooking the floodplains and has an en suite bathroom with flush toilet and shower.

The main dining area is on the top floor of an elevated wooden deck between two magnificent sycamore figs and surrounded by dense wild date palms. Downstairs, there is a cozy pub and lounge with an area for an open fire under the stars.


Jacana Camp with Wilderness Safaris - www.PhotoSafaris.travel

Game Viewing / Activities:

Jacana camp is set in one of the most densely populated wetland areas for Sitatunga and Red Lechwe. Hippos and crocodiles are regularly sited. In the dry season on the floodplains wildebeest and zebra occur and in the woodlands to the west, Elephant and Buffalo. Lions, Cheetah, Leopard and Wild Dog are occasionally sited on the floodplains. This is a prime area for wetland bird species, including Wattled Cranes, Pel's Fishing Owls as well as greater and lesser Jacanas.

Jacana camp and offers mokoro and walking safaris all year round. As the floodwaters recede game driving and night drives in open 4x4 land rovers are available from October to March. During the height of the floods, the activities at Jacana Camp revolve around exploring the waterways of the Okavango by mokoro (dugout canoe), motor boat and on foot. Traveling silently by mokoro is a wonderful way to experience the Okavango as you glide silently through the shallow flood plains enjoying the magnificent bird and aquatic life. One of the highlights is searching for the rare and elusive sitatunga antelope or to explore wooded islands to stalk the rare Pel's Fishing Owl, one of the largest owls in the world.


  Accommodation Rates:- From $736 per person per night sharing. Please contact us for a quote and suggested itinerary